Love Quotes...

"Whenever life seems to drift you away from me, I can't help but cry. You've grown to be such a part of me that without you life is no more than a desperate sigh. They do say love comes and goes, and to that I disagree. So, here's my hand, take it and don't let go of me."



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Monday, November 5

I believe that my trained skills and expertise in management with the use of standard tools, and my discipline and experience will contribute significantly to the value of the work that you want, my creativity, productivity and work-efficiency and the high quality of outcomes I can offer will boost the work progress.
- sagot ni Inday sa interview ng bago niyang amo!

Dear Mom,

Had i not been able to smell the salt, i must have collapsed moments ago. Junior has become a little monster to me. Remember the head accident he had? As if it wasn't enough, he was summoned by the principal of hil shabilly runned academe. Oh, such an erudite bunch of baboons! I never though being a governess can be such strenuous employ!

Your daughter,

Dear Inday,
Walanghiya ka! Magpadala ka ng pera! Nasa ospital ang nanay mo, dumugo ang ilong pagkabasa ng pesteng sulat mo!


" I stay awake in the coldness of the darkened sky contemplating why, for some reasons, has my emptinessmade itself manifests, extending to that niche where i wasgiven life and growth, that because of austerity i was made seperated from...."

-INDAY habang ndi makatulog dahil na-ho-homesick . d=D

Friday, August 31

9th Journal Entry

I have experienced negative peer pressure when I was a fourth year student.
I and my classmates had a practice for our presentation in school so we went to one of our classmate's house to practice there. After the practice, they had decided to go to the house of our other classmate. I thought we were just supposed to eat there so I decided to come along. When I arrived there, I found out that they bought some alcoholic beverages for us to drink. I was very astonished. I had never thought that they were planning to drink beer. I did not go home yet. I just stayed there for a while to talk to some of my classmates. After some time, most of my classmates asked me to drink beer but I refused to do it. Then, they really forced me to drink even just a small amount for experience only; however, I stayed firm in my decision that I will not drink beer because I know that it is not good for my body. Fortunately, they gave up and stopped forcing me to drink. After that, I went home first together with some of my classmates.

I know that what I did was right. I am glad that I did not fall for that temptation and I stood firm in my decision of saying no. I realized from that experience that I should always be firm in all of my decisions so that no one will be able to force me to do what I don't want.

Friday, August 24

8th journal entry

The challenge that I took was returning the excess change.
Everytime I buy something or pay for anything, I make sure that I count the change to make sure whether it is exact or not. If there is an excess change, I always make it sure that I return the excess one no matter how expensive and cheap the amount is because I know that the money is not mine.
One time, when I was riding a tricycle on my way home, I payed for my fair and the driver gave me the change. Then, I noticed that he gave me an excess change that's why--without any hesitation-- I returned it immediately to him. I felt satisfied deep within myself because I know that I did the right thing.

Based on my experience, I have learned that being honest is a good thing even though I find it difficult to become honest sometimes.

Friday, August 17

7th Journal Entry

Through the personal health assessment that I have taken last week, I have realized that I should seriously take care of my own health. I admit that most of the time I don't mind of think about my health-- I sleep for about 3-4 hours only, I don't care if I get sick or not, etc.
I know that if I don't take care of my health, I will be the one suffering the consequences in the near future that's why I will do the best I can to change the way I treat my health and make myself healthier than ever. I know that I will not be able to change overnight, but I promise to change little by little especially when it comes to sleeping for at least 6-8 hours a day. I' m planning to make a checklist of all the things I should change in myself (taking care of my health) and I'll make sure to do at least one per day. I'ts really hard for me to do it, but I know I will be the one who will benefit from it.